Sunday, June 29, 2008

St. Louis Trip

I had a wonderful time in St. Louis and discovered the most amazing botanical gardens. If you are ever in the area, the Missouri Botanical Garden is a must see, but give yourself a full day or two to see it all. This place is massive and has something new around every corner. I am definitely planning a return trip to this garden oasis!

While in St. Louis I also visited the Shaw Nature Preserve. This too is a beautiful place to see. I did not get to see the prairie or the wetlands as a storm kept me out, but I would consider revisiting there also if given the chance.

Of course every trip to St. Louis is not complete without a trip to the Gateway Arch. For a twist, I photographed it in the dark. I had photographed the Arch in the daylight, but really enjoyed experimenting with night time reflections.

My final stop on this trip was Grants Farm to see the Clydesdales. WOW what beautiful creatures. These horses are incredibly gentle and will run to the fence lines to be scratched and patted. I also took the tram ride around to the petting zoo and past some of the historic architecture on the tour.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Woodworking Makes Progress

My arbor is moving along nicely. I am so proud of the good job my hubby is doing on his first major woodworking project!

And yes there is a tractor setting in the garage with only three wheels…I hope it gets fixed soon, my grass is still growing!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Glider Flies!

I bought this glider for my husband about seven years ago for Christmas in California; it flew its maiden voyage that day and never flew again until today. Maybe it needed to have the fresh open spaces of Kentucky to soar!