Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dill Pickles Anyone?

Today I tried my first attempt putting up Dill Pickles. We have cucumbers coming out of our ears now! I will have to let you know in a month how they came out. They have to sit and cure for a month in a cool, dark place…Guess that will be the basement…

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Girls Still Love Him...

Well at least the girls don’t mind getting close to our stinky boy. He really does not smell that bad. He has had more baths in the last couple days than all month. He smells a bit musty if he gets wet. That remedy I found on line worked really well.


Today my family in Southern California were shook a bit by an earthquake, but I am happy to say all is well. My Grandpuppy was quite scared but her mommy and daddy are doing a fine job pampering her tonight.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Our garden is exploding to the point I almost can not keep up with it. Yesterday I put up bread and butter pickles and tomorrow I will be putting up some dill pickles. The watermelon is looking great! Our corn was the sweetest I have ever tasted. I ate it raw right off the stalk!

My roses are doing great too! I have never had them get taller than me before. They are huge!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dogs and Skunks! HELP!

Ok, we found out in the wee early morning that dogs and skunks just do not match. Our Buster Bleu STINKS! I have tried a remedy I found on line by searching for "how to get skunk odor off dog", to wash him first in 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water, followed by washing with 1/4 c baking soda, 1/4 c peroxide and 1/4 c dish soap mixed in a qt of warm water. I followed that with a bath in his normal shampoo. He is not dry yet, but he still has a bit of odor while he is wet. I about died when I wet him down to bathe him. It seemed to intensify the stench! I read that he may smell of skunk for up to two years every time he gets wet...UGH!!! Oh well, if anyone has experience in this problem, please post comments with your suggestions. I will try anything that might work if he still stinks after he dries.

Friday, July 25, 2008

My Grandpuppy

My son and daughter in law adopted my Grandpuppy in May but I thought I would share some pictures of my little cutie. Her name is Lulu and she is a Maltese.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Our watermelons are getting bigger!!! Plus we are getting some other nice harvests.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bon Air Library Display

My photography club The Photo Forum has a display at the Bon Air Library. Stop by and take a look! Prints on display were provided by Ron Bailey, Susan Cole, Patty Davis, Linda Doane, Ted Heitzman, Rick Lombardo, Nathan Mann, Deborah Montgomery, Jeremiah “Turtle” Montgomery, Chuck Rubin and Don Sivori.

Old Humana Building Imploded

Today I watched a part of Louisville history go down in a pile of rubble. They imploded the Old Humana Building to make room for a new sports arena. It really saddens me to see them tear down these beautiful historic buildings. I wish they would leave the historical locations alone and find alternative locations that do not require destroying history.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Indian Summer Camp

I just completed a wonderful week of volunteering for Indian Summer Camp at Cedarmore in Bagdad, Kentucky. ISC is a camp for children battling cancer. Many area photographers as well as other area professionals donate time and labors of love to make this camp a special time for these children and young adults. Smiles and laughter abound. Each camper will take home a picture DVD of the images photographers collected to document all the fun and excitement of their camp experience.