Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween on Main Street

Tonight was Halloween on Main Street in Taylorsville. The street is blocked off to let kids trick or treat safely. It was fun wondering around chatting with families. DaisyMae enjoyed all the back scratches too.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Morgan’s Firsts

Today, Morgan got his first nail trim and got to take a nap in the big boy bed rather than in his playpen. Awwww, our baby grand-puppy is growing up! He is nearly 6 pounds now, double the size when we brought him home.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sarah Palin

Tonight I was able to go to the Sarah Palin Rally in Indiana. I wish I could have gotten closer, but I was glad to be there. I really don’t enjoy political discussions, but this election does pose some significant “firsts”. Along with Sarah, Hank Williams Jr. sang the National Anthem.

Monday, October 20, 2008

He Has A Name!!!

My grandpuppy has a name! He will be called Morgan, as in Captain Morgan. He likes to sleep on grammie’s desk in a basket, isn’t that just the cutest thing!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Picnic Table and Bench

My husband made this lovely picnic table and bench for a preschool. I am so proud of his woodworking projects.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Halloween at Louisville Zoo

I visited the Louisville Zoo this evening to catch a glimpse at all the ghosts and ghouls out on the prowl!

Friday, October 17, 2008

My Grandpuppy #2

Today, not only did I have fun with that basket full of puppies, but my son decided one needed to be my second grandpuppy. We don’t know his name yet…that is yet to be determined. He is so tiny! He is just under 3 pounds.

The Horse Barn

Today I took pet pictures at the Horse Barn in Taylorsville, Kentucky. We were a bit slow, but had fun with a basket full of basset hound puppies!

Blue Herron

We have a Blue Herron that frequents our pond, but until today I have never been able to sneak into the yard and get his picture. Today he let me walk down into the yard and get fairly close. I love the shots I got.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Family Reunion

Today I visited with a lovely family. They had members from all over the US come in for a reunion and I had the privileged of photographing them.