Friday, July 31, 2009

Taylorsville Lake Spillway & Visitors Center

Today I visited the Taylorsville Lake Spillway for the first time. I was surprised to find a very nice picnic area and places to walk along the river.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shelby & Alyssa Fishing

Shelby and Alyssa seem to have a talent for catching bluegill. Alyssa caught her first fish since fishing in our pond and it was the largest bluegill I have ever seen!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Spencer County High School Football Team

Today I was asked to photograph the Spencer County High School Football Team. I think the session went very well and we have some nice team pictures. To see the individual team member images, visit my
web site proofs

Friday, July 24, 2009

"Record Now" Software Woes!

This is for PC users:

Ok, so I have thrown out countless blank CD's after my burning program "Record Now" said the CD was bad and I needed to insert a new blank CD. We are talking probably 30 or more in the last year. I figure its because my computer is old and the drive is becoming less than reliable. After talking with a few people I discover they are also having trouble with "Record Now" software, so i decide to uninstall it and go back to using the right click on the file and select "send to" my CD drive. I then discover that option was dissabled (most likely by the demon "Record Now" program).

Long story short, I am posting this in hopes of saving someone many blank CDs that are not bad in the first place, its the software!

To re-enable the right click and send to CD option or the drag and drop into the CD. Open your "My Computer". Right click on your CD drive letter and select "Properties". Under the DLA tab, make sure the check mark is present for "Enable DLA on your drives". Then go to the Recording tab. Here you need to have a check mark present for "Enable CD recording on this drive". You now should have the option to right click and send to CD or drag and drop into the CD folder to burn your CDs.

After doing this, I pulled out one of those many CDs from the to be thrown away pile only to find it was perfectly fine. It recorded faster than the "Record Now" program had ever accomplished and proved that I have wasted many good and usable CDs thinking they were bad.

Oh well, at least the problem is fixed now and maybe someone else will be saved the headaches now...

Good luck!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Wanderings

Today I wandered around to find a specific scene to photograph. This was the closest I could get to the vision in my mind.

Indian Summer Camp

Today concludes my time at Indian Summer Camp for another year. Again I had an amazing time spending time with children battling cancer. I work with a group of local photographers who all volunteer their time to photograph every aspect of camp and produce a slide show for each camper to take home to their family. This week was a very emotional, as well as rewarding, week. Thank you again Dave Huntsman for all the extra work you put into organizing and producing the camper slide shows!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Loveland Castle & Krohn’s Conservatory – Ohio

Today I went to Loveland Castle and Krohn’s Conservatory in Ohio with my photo club. Loveland Castle had a festival taking place so it was quite crowded. I would like to go back to see the castle with a few less people and vendor tents in it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

WARNING: Sophia’s Fly Strip Accident

A warning to all bird owners. Last night we had a near tragic accident with our Umbrella Cockatoo, Sophia. She normally does not startle so badly by flies, but this time she got spooked and flew from her cage. This is the one and only time she has ever flown in the direction of the kitchen rather than to her safety point of the living room curtain rod. Since it has been hot, and our central AC is not currently working, we have been having a lot of days of windows and doors open to try to keep the house cooler. This has increased our problem with flies. To battle the flies, especially in the kitchen area, we hung a few fly strips. You know the kind, sticky strips in a small canister that hang in a spiral strip. Well as Sophia flew into the kitchen, her wing clipped one of these sticky strips and it pulled the thumbtack out and entangled her. In a panic she began thrashing and attempting to fly which further entangled her in this sticky mess and began ripping out feathers. She continued to flail and attempt to fly, hitting her cage, the window and her toy play stand. It took me a minute or so to catch her as she was in a blind panic. In the process of catching her and getting her to my back bath to attempt to clean her up, she bit me several times. Now we both have battle scars. The only way we could get the fly strip off was to soak her in baby oil and carefully remove it. She lost a lot of feathers in the process, including some bleeders. She was extremely exhausted after the whole process of removing it and cleaning her up. She still has some of the sticky stuff on her, but I think its best to let her rest a day or so. My Vet said to just leave her with the baby oil residue for now until she is calmer. She is not herself today, very subdued, but she does want mommy to pet her and love on her and did say a few “pretties” today. I have to keep a heat lamp on her because her feathers are not giving her much insulation at the moment.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fireworks at the Riverfront

Tonight my mom and I went to the waterfront of the Ohio River and watched the fireworks. We watched from the Indiana side so we could see the Louisville skyline in the background.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Blunder Over LaGrange

Tonight my family was invited to Blunder Over LaGrange. We had a wonderful BBQ, fun, food and fellowship, followed by a fireworks display and more fellowship. Thanks for the invite Sam and Elaine!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bird on Her Nest

I found this bird on her nest near a parking lot. She did not pick the best of places for her nest, but she was protecting it with all her might.