Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Joe Huber Farm and Family Canning Days

Today we went to Joe Huber’s Farm and picked a bushel of apples. Of course that means we had to come home and call it all. Not to mention the pears and pumpkin we also got. When, family canning day central!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Caelen’s 2nd Birthday and Fishing

Today we celebrated Caelen’s 2nd Birthday and he went fishing for the first time. I think he got confused over fishing and swimming.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Caelen’s 1st Pumpkin Patch Trip

Today we visited a small pumpkin patch to pick out Caelen’s pumpkin. He was not happy with the big inflated pumpkin or the scary statue near the cash registered, but did like watching the man paint the pumpkins.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Taylorsville Progressive Dinner

Today was the first annual Taylorsville Progressive Dinner. It was a wonderful festive night of good music, good food, good conversation and photos at the court house.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Caelen!

Today we celebrated Caelen’s 2nd birthday with a small private party. David had his knee surgery today so the party idea had to be scaled back a bit. I think Caelen still had a wonderful time diving into his cake.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Waggener Preschool

Today I assisted with the Waggener Preschool picture day and designed this years class pictures. It’s always a challenge to get such young children to relax and have a natural smile but it’s a lot of fun to make all the silly faces and try…

Sunday, September 13, 2009


We found a very large spider near the hot tub, of course, I had to photograph it!

Disney Train

Today the Disney Train stopped off in Louisville’s Union Station. Mom and I took Caelen to see the train and watch the teaser for the new 3D movie A Christmas Carole.

Balloons Almost Landed on Me

Since moving here in 2005 I have wished a balloon would land at my house. I volunteered on a balloon crew last year and now more than ever wish they would. Well, I almost got my wish today, when three balloons landed very close to me. One across the street, one behind me and one just down the road…at least they are getting closer. For all you balloon pilots…my yard is open for landing!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Joy’s Senior Session

Today was Joy’s Senior Session. We had a great time and captured some beautiful images.