Saturday, January 30, 2010

Taylorsville In The Snow

Today I went to Taylorsville to take pictures in the snow. I was hoping that it would be a little more snow covered and not have a bunch of cars around. I thought everything would be closed. Oh well, it was still pretty.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Reelfoot Lake

Today I returned from a trip to Reelfoot Lake. It was awesome. I saw my first, non-road kill, skunk!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cross Stitch Nemo

Today I found my cross stitch Nemo I started when we first moved here and were staying in the hotel waiting for our house to close so we could move in. I guess I lost it in the basement during all the mess of moving in. I had only done two stripes of the black when I lost it; this is how far I got today.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dryer Died…. UGH!

My dryer died a couple days ago and the Sears repair man said, sorry, have to order a part. It should arrive in about a week. The big bummer, Sears repair only visits my area on Wednesdays, so no matter when it arrives, I will have to wait until at least the following Wednesday for repair. Well at least I found another use for backdrop stands…LOL.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Flat Stanley Arrived

Today our Flat Stanley arrived. He will be visiting with us and experiencing life in Fisherville Kentucky until mid February. This is our second time having a Flat Stanley visit with us; we really had fun with this project the first time.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Today I was offered a job to work as receptionist / legal assistant for Mulhall, Turner, Coombs & Malone. I start tomorrow!!! I have been looking for another job for about two years now. I am so thrilled!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snowy Adventures

For the first time since moving to Kentucky in 2005, I finally had the ability to get out of my driveway on a day when there was still a good amount of snow left on the ground. Today I took pictures at Buffalo Trace Distillery, Cove Springs Park and Switzer Covered Bridge all in Frankfort Kentucky.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Days Are Here

Well again no white Christmas, but the snow finally arrived last night. It’s not a solid blanket but enough I hope to get out and take some pictures.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year to everyone! My husband and I have started a tradition of going to the theater to watch a movie, last night was "Sherlock Holmes" (Awesome movie I might add), followed by sitting in the lobby with other guests and theater employees to watch the ball in New York fall on the big screen. OK, so it really doesn't sound all that exciting, but it beats staying at home. I do hope that eventually we will make friends here that are into celebrating. I really miss my friends and family in California at times like this. I miss the big gatherings to celebrate every excuse we could find!

Well, my hope for this year is to find another part time or full time job or be able to increase the hours of the three part time jobs I have now. As far as New Years Resolutions, I have never really been one to make them. I have goals for my life year around and they really don't change with the turning of the calendar. I guess my New Years Resolution would be to continue to work on my goals and to continue developing more.

God Bless everyone, I miss you dear friends, and I look forward to the friends I will make!
