Friday, February 12, 2010

Girl Scout Father / Daughter Dance

Today was the 14th Annual Girl Scouts Father / Daughter Valentines Dance.

My Rant For The Day...

Sorry but sometimes you must vent! I don't rant often but Fed Ex has got to be the WORST delivery company on earth!!! I am so tired of drivers who can not read simple directions like "Deliveries in Box" on something they have to step around then feed my packages to my dogs. what freakin idiots!!! Thankfully Home Depot is issuing me a full refund but that means another two weeks to wait on a delivery and sadly they only use Fed Ex.....GRRRRRR!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still More Snow!

Oh, my! More snow! Today we decided since I could not get out for work, to play in the snow. We made snow angels, snowman, shoveled snow and had snow ball fights. We even shoveled our 618 foot long driveway; that was a chore!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Flat Stanley Heads Back To California

Today I mailed Flat Stanley back to California. I hope his student get a good grade from the information he is bringing back!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Death & Taxes

Today we went to Derby Dinner to watch Death & Taxes. It was a great show, but then all of them have been that we have seen. I really enjoy Derby Dinner Theater.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Closet Surprise

I came home today and find a surprise in my closet, my hubby made me a nice shoe holder. Wow! I can see the floor! LOL.