Monday, May 31, 2010

More Mt Washington Wanderings…

My son has wanted to show me this spot for some time, so today we wandered again in Mt. Washington area and found an interesting graffiti bridge and a lovely cascade.

Happy Memorial Day!

Complete with homemade banana ice cream! A special THANK YOU to all those who have, are or will serve our country in the armed forces.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

John Deere Repairs

I think the repairs of our tractors are never ending, but I did catch a couple interesting sparks.

We continued thru Springfield, past Mordecai Lincoln’s Home and Lincoln Homestead Park. Of course I had to find a covered bridge.

Perryville Kentucky

On the way home we stopped in Perryville. I really loved the old west feel of this town and would like to return for a day here.

Today we drove out to see Penn’s Store in Gravel Switch. I was quite disappointed in what we found until I returned home to see the update on the web site saying there were closed indefinitely while assessing flood damage.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mt. Washington Wandering

Today I wandered a bit around Mt. Washington. I was told there is a little general store in a place called Smithville Kentucky, but never could locate it. If anyone knows where it is, please do share! I did find this beautiful log cabin complete with old wagon in front…absolutely lovely.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Taylorsville Lake

I took a trip out to Taylorsville Lake this evening. There is this big lonely white house that I call my house…I feel sad when I see it falling down and think about how probably one day, it had laughter in its halls, warmth in its stove and the smells of fresh baked pies wafting through the rooms. I wish I had the money to restore it…

Around the House

My roses are in full bloom, the grass is growing faster than we can keep up with and it’s Friday of Memorial Day Weekend…ah, life in the country…

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Be Free Little Turtle

Today my dogs cornered a turtle under our front hedges, were I assume it had gone to attempt to lay eggs. We rescued it and set it free in a safer location than the front hedges of my house.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Louisville Skyline

Well tonight we took my mom down to take picture of the Louisville Skyline. This was the first time I have seen it since the new arena was built and I must say…I HATE IT! The arena just totally ruins what was a gorgeous skyline for me. It is just so out of place looking amidst all the beautiful historic looking buildings.