Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pond Turnover

I came home tonight to find buzzards all over my front yard and fish floating on the pond…thanks to a record long hot spell, we have lost most of our catfish and about 20 larger bluegill so far. I am sure more will die until we finally get rain. It just makes me sick!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lee Bottom Flying Field

Today was the 2010 Wood, Fabric, and Tailwheels Fly-In at the Lee Bottom Flying Field. I really enjoyed the old planes. My favorite was the 1939 DC-3.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Danville Kentucky

Today I visited downtown Danville. I really liked this quaint little town. I would love to return to the Pioneer Playhouse.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Downtown Louisville Court House

I wandered the Louisville's downtown area today around the court house and other government offices, it was blustery and humid, so I didn’t wander long…have to save this for another day.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Belle Of Louisville Cruise

Today my husband and I went on our first cruise aboard the Belle of Louisville, a special Labor Day Cruise. The day would have been perfect had it not been for the extremely rude treatment we received from those who were supposed to be DIRECTING traffic for the Mayors Bike and Hike that had ALL routes to the Belle closed!!! Yes, that’s right, yet another occurrence of the Metro Louisville Government right hand, not having a clue of what the left hand is doing. You would think they would look at their own calendar and make accommodations for all THEIR events. I was just appalled at the rudeness and lack of efficiency exhibited by organizers of these two events. But after recovering from running to catch a boat that was to leave the port as we arrived at the nearest location to park over a mile away and running to the dock, we finally calmed down as we sat down and began to paddle along the river.