Friday, April 29, 2011

Ohio River Flooding

The Falls of the Ohio with all the rain and what is looks like normally.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Jeremiah’s Car Ouchie!

I really hate early morning calls from my son like this! He had a head on collision coming home from work. At least nobody was seriously injured.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Boycotting "Kentucky" Derby Festival 2011

I am boycotting the "Kentucky" Derby Festival this year. Read this story. I know this is old news now, but I for one am still really bummed out with the dropping of "Kentucky" from "Kentucky Derby Festival". I am proud to be here and this just absolutely ruins it for me. The last paragraph of this story says

"I don't think the Kentucky Derby Festival loses anything by becoming the 'Derby Festival,'" Barberchek said, "There's people saying, 'Geez, that's a shame they're dropping the 'Kentucky'' when they try to make an issue out of that, but frankly everyone calls it the Derby Festival anyway."

Well Mr. Barberchek is sorely mistaken, not EVERYONE calls it Derby Festival because I for one have NEVER called it anything but KENTUCKY Derby Festival. They have just ruined this year for me. I will not attend any of the events this year. I am Kentucky Proud and think its just absolutely tragic.

If you feel like I do about removing Kentucky from the "_______ Derby Festival" write to Kentucky Derby Festival President Mike Berry at Kentucky Derby Festival
1001 South Third Street Louisville, KY 40203. Let's bring Kentucky back!!! I for one of greatly disappointed not to attend the events this year, but its my small stand....