Friday, May 30, 2008

Puckett's Grocery & Restaurant

I had the pleasure of attending a show at Puckett’s Grocery & Restaurant which included Brady Seals, Randy Sharp and headliner Joshua Rush. The show was energetic and filled with laughs. The music flowed, food was awesome and staff was the friendliest around. In the audience was Lee Roy Parnell who was invited up to share one of his songs.

Joshua Rush, installing new strings and tuning before the show.

Brady Seals

Randy Sharp

Lee Roy Parnell

Joshua Rush, the evening’s headliner

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Old Smokey

Today we stepped back into the past. We witnessed the inaugural run of R.J. Corman’s Old Smokey on the old CSX line between Louisville and Lexington. We caught our first glimpse of this big iron beast in Shelbyville at KY-53. A good size crowd was there to great Old Smokey as it breezed by us. We captured a couple shots, then heard the announcement that it would be stopping in Bagdad. We quickly drove to Bagdad where they were using fire engines to fill the water, add sand for traction and stoke the fire. We were able to walk all around the massive engine. The big red wheels were taller than my husband or I. The sights and sounds were incredible. As the engine steamed away you could hear a beautiful cadence chugging down the rail and as it disappeared from sight I could hear that mournful whistle that made me feel like I was in some distant ghost town of the past. I loved seeing this part of history. The pictures only tell part of the story. You had to be there to smell the coal, feel the steam and hear Old Smokey’s song. Enjoy…

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Around Versailles Kentucky

Today I wandered around Versailles Kentucky with a friend from The PhotoForum. It was a lovely day out for the girls. Although we had lots of girly chatter, we didn't shot a whole lot of pictures.

The two pictures above were taken on a backroad out of Woodford Reserve. It eventually ended up in downtown Versailles as Elk Street. As you can see Kentucky is in full green!

We found these ruins across the road from Ashford Stud Farm. I am not quite sure what this was. I am thinking maybe an old stable. I would love to hear your comments if you have any idea what this was in its glory days.

This road was very picturesque and booming with wildflowers.
A quick visit to Keenland and I found this beautiful scenery. Varoom!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

UPS Day at Churchill Downs

Although it was not quite the excitement of Derby Day, I enjoyed a beautiful day at Churchill Downs with my son and friends. Today was the running of the Preakness, and since "Big Brown" was running, it was also a special UPS day...hummm is there a connection there...something about "Brown"? Oh well, at least I bet on a winner...although the odds were low and I am not a big spender when it comes to betting.

This little bunny was waiting for me when I returned to my car.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Around the Studio

Spring is in full force around the studio. Since my husband has been off work recovering from his surgery, yet feeling pretty well, we have been busy making changes to the outside of the
Planting flower
beds. Let's hope the fishing line keeps the studio dogs out for a while.Replacing a sad looking Dogwood
tree. New smells drive the studio dogs nuts!Planting a garden for good
measure.Inside the studio, construction on a new backdrop is underway, thanks to the efforts of my son.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Krohn Conservatory Butterfly Exhibit

Butterflies everywhere! Krohn Conservatory presented Butterflies from China, in The Silk Road to China. During a special photographers only evening, I was able to capture some truly amazing creatures. Enjoy...