Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Junk Yard Treasures

Sometimes a well loved car needs a helping hand from her private mechanic. Fortunately we were able to find a suitable “organ donor” and after a lot of sweat and muscle, we were headed home with a replacement trailing arm for my Lumina, but hey! At least while I was there I found some beautiful things…ok, so I really wanted to bring home that 40’s model Plymouth front clip or the little MG or that Chevy in the back, but I did not come home with any yard art on this time we take a BIG TRUCK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for all your ribbons! As superintendent of the arts & crafts department I must agree with judge... your lotus photo was magical! Drop by the desk and chat. We hung the entire show with 6 hours to spare this year! Maybe you can help us next year or (if you can skip competing next year 2009) work for pay on our staff. let me know.