Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our 25th Anniversary in Nashville Indiana

Today is our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We, my husband, younger son and I, took a day trip to Nashville Indiana. I love covered bridges so we detoured by a few on the way and one on the way home. Overall the day was lovely. A bit overcast, but pleasant. I was hoping for more antique shops, but if eclectic art work is your thing, check out Nashville Indiana.

Brownsville Covered Bridge

Brownsville Covered Bridge

Ramp Creek Covered Bridge

Bean Blossom Covered Bridge

Bean Blossom Covered Bridge

Bean Blossom Covered Bridge

We also stopped to see the Roberts Covered Bridge, but since it was a private residence that had posted no tresspassing on the bridge, I did not photograph it. We also looked for the Opry Mountain Covered Bridge, but were unable to find it. I sespect it is no longer in existance.

1 comment:

Josh Rush said...

Awesome! I'd love to roadtrip up there sometime.

Great shots!