Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rest In Peace Aunt Christine

Today we received the sad news that Aunt Christine passed away. She was 86 years old this past February 23. Unfortunately we were never able to make one of her birthday parties, but that is another story. Her passing just served to prove you have to cherish each moment of life you are given because you never know when it will be the last or when decisions will be made that will change life forever. I hope that all who read this will take heed. Those who like to hold grudges don’t just hurt the person they hold judgment against, but countless others whose lives are intertwined. My cousin who passed of cancer many years ago shared his thoughts for life, that is “Live today like you have no tomorrows” and he was so right. There is not guarantee for tomorrow or even the next instant. We hear “life is too short” but do we really listen and believe that? I hope that my life will be summed up to say, she lived every day to the fullest. She loved all and never held a grudge. I will always cherish the fact that the day before her passing, I walked into her nursing home room, her eyes lit up as if she had been waiting for me to come, stretched up her arms and gave me the most incredible hug and said “I love you”. I think I am probably the last person on this earth she hugged. What an incredible blessing from God. See you again someday Aunt Christine. I will miss you.

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