Saturday, May 30, 2009

No Fly Zone

Tonight my family and some friends went to see No Fly Zone in concert at the La Vida Java in the Westport Village.

Old Bridge

I found this cool bridge some time ago, but finally stopped to grab a few shots.

Family Farewells

Today is a sad day. It has been wonderful having family visit, but we say farewell until next time after a nice breakfast together at Cracker Barrel.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Today we visited a couple of national cemeteries including Zachary Taylor to honor those who have served our county, some with their lives and all with their hearts.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Honoring Loved Ones Who Have Gone On

Today we put flowers on the graves of some of our departed loved ones. We miss them and know they are in a better place.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Madison Indiana Car Show

Today I went with the boys to the Madison Indiana Car Show. We saw lots of cars I would LOVE to have. We also saw what was left of the Madison Court House after the fire. What a tragedy.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Louisville Slugger Museum Part Two and Glassworks

Well after the guys got caught up on the sale adds, we visited the Slugger Museum again today, my cousin held Mickey Mattle’s bat and mom held Rod Carew’s bat. After that we visited the Glassworks for a tour. I highly recommend the Slugger Museum Tour but the Glassworks really wasn’t worth the money to be honest.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

American Liver Foundation Walk

Today was the American Liver Walk at Waterfront Park in Louisville. There was a huge turnout and other than a major sunburn it was a lot of fun!

Faces of Family

My family is visiting me from Northern California near Placerville. We are looking forward to lots of sight seeing but I just enjoyed capturing their faces while we sat in the cool breeze at the Falls Of The Ohio. I am always so excited to entertain family!