Sunday, May 24, 2009

Honoring Loved Ones Who Have Gone On

Today we put flowers on the graves of some of our departed loved ones. We miss them and know they are in a better place.


Anonymous said...

How do you get the ones that say MOM like that?? My father just passed and for his birthday I'm wanting to get Happy 50th Birthday Dad.. Could you please help me.. Thank you.


Deborah Kaye Photography said...

I am not certain where that was purchased but I have seen them in Wal-Mart around Memorial Day or Michael's. I really don't know where you could find them at any other time of year. I would start off at Michael's or Hobby Lobby. I am certain they could make one if they don't have them in stock. Also, you might try your local florist. Sometimes they make silk arrangments.
Thank you,