Saturday, March 8, 2008


We had eight inches of snow with drifts much higher than that.
We discovered this is enough to cause us to be unable to drive out of our driveway. Not only are we unable to drive out the driveway but we managed to get our car stuck in the snow. It was fun to play in the snow today and watch the dogs romp. Our smallest pup, Holly did a face plant in the snow and nearly dissappeared in a drift. Jasmine, our only long haired dog discovered that snow clumps in little balls all over her long fringing hair. Buster, our biggest dog, did fine walking in the snow and only occassionally found areas deep enough to drag his chest. DaisyMae our beloved basset was another story. She had to hop like a rabbit because her entire body drags through the snow.
Overall, we had a lot of laughs watching our four legged children romp and play. Well back to watching movie reruns. Take care :)

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